Quest for Best: Lasting Legacy of Giving


Quest for Best: Lasting Legacy of Giving

Campaign represents impact of giving for Bow Valley College and donors.

In 2013, Bow Valley College publicly launched Quest for Best, a campaign to equip students with the best learning experiences, technologies, and most importantly, the financial supports to complete their education.

With generous support from the donor community, we are proud to share that we have surpassed our original goal of $20 million raising more than $21 million!

Thanks to donor support, Quest for Best has resulted in many significant impacts for Bow Valley College. These impacts can be felt by Bow Valley College students and also seen in college programming and courses.

Student Success

Access to financial support through awards created a 25 percent growth in our student financial supports over the past 10 years, where today we consistently can distribute a minimum of $850,000 per year.

Technology and innovation

Through technology, Bow Valley College has been able to increase accessibility for students through long-term digital solutions and the work-integrated learning experiences that help prepare them for successful future careers.

With the launch of the IBM Skills Academy, in partnership with IBM, Bow Valley College is offering short-term micro-credential information technology training programs ranging from beginner- to-advanced levels. These programs allow students to earn digital badges, rather than credits. Micro credentials provide job seekers and our students access to new skills that enhance their current abilities in a shorter period of time.

Quest for Best has set the stage for the Open Doors-Open Minds strategy to ensure Bow Valley College continues to be the college that Alberta needs. 

Thank you for your support as alumni and Choices program donors.

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  • If you are currently studying in a post-secondary program at BVC, please register for your courses via mybvc to ensure your enrolments and fees are processed appropriately.
  • Cart total based on domestic tuition rates. For information about International Tuition rates please see Additional Fees Apply
  • If you anticipate applying for a student loan, your payment will be refunded to you based on your loan award once your funding has been received by BVC.

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