Start Dates
- May 06, 2025
- September 02, 2025
Course Delivery
- Face to Face - Synchronous
- Blended - Synchronous
Tuition & Fees
Domestic (main program): CAD
International: CAD
Estimated Book Costs:
The Health Care Aide Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) option is not open for international students.
Start Dates
- September 02, 2025
Course Delivery
- Blended
- Off-Campus
Tuition & Fees
Domestic (main program): CAD
International: CAD
Estimated Book Costs:
We are no longer accepting applications for the Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 intake.
Applicants to the Regional Campuses must live outside Calgary in the Bow Valley College regional service area.
Program Description
Earn a Government of Alberta Health Care Aide Provincial Curriculum 2019 Certificate.
The Health Care Aide program focuses on developing the core skills needed for individuals with various health care needs. Topics include personal care, assisting with mobility & nutrition, communication, assisting with medication delivery, and clinical skills.
The Health Care Aide Certificate Program is available to learners in a variety of delivery options.
- Full-time Program Delivery – On campus study over an eight-month (2-term) period
- Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) – You may be eligible to challenge the courses in the Health Care Aide (HCA) program if you have work experience as a health care aide or caregiver and wish to meet the provincial health care aide certification requirements.
The tuition for this pathway is $4,112.00 and is only available through the Calgary downtown campus.
- Health Care Aide for English Language Learners – This pathway program is for learners with minimal English language proficiency skills. Please visit the program page to see if this pathway is best for you.
It is recommended that you apply at least eight months prior to the program start date due to the popularity of the program.
During the course of the program, you will learn through a combination for on-campus labs, in-class learning, and clinical instruction.
Applicants considering this program must be able to work shifts and weekends; be on their feet for extended periods of time; use their knees, back, and arms to move clients who have minimal body strengths; and function effectively in stressful situations.
**Learners are very strongly encouraged to attend NSO (New Student Orientation) at the start of their first term. NSO provides learners with information about supports available to them during their program as well as what they can expect at Bow Valley College. NSO also provides you the opportunity to ask questions and gather important information.
Regional Learners
If you live in the area surrounding Calgary, you may be able to take the program starting in the Fall (September) or Winter (January) terms through one of the Regional campuses. Program delivery for the regional programs is blended, which includes a combination of online and in-person learning. All lab time is in-person at the Calgary downtown campus.
View our Regional Campus locations or contact Regional for more information.
The Health Care Aide program includes hands-on lab time integrated into several courses. There are seven healthcare labs laid out in a similar manner to healthcare facilities with equipment commonly used as well as manikins for you to practice your skills on.
Tuition & Financial Aid
To get an estimate of the cost of the completing the program, you can refer to Program Tuition Fee Chart or use the Cost Estimator. Your budget should consider learner fees, textbooks, learning materials, Police Information Checks, required vaccinations as well as the cost of tuition.
Learner Success Services has Financial Aid Advisors that you can meet with for assistance with student loans and grants, including applying for financial aid. There are also student loan information sessions offered regularly that can be signed up for.
Bow Valley College offers a large list of Scholarships & Bursaries you can apply for. A Student Award Advisor can meet with you to discuss awards that you may be eligible for as well as provide information on emergency bursaries in times of urgent financial need. The student awards include scholarships & bursaries open to the whole College in addition to program-specific awards.
Please note that your tuition will not cover items such as:
- Uniforms for lab courses & work integrated learning placements
- Shoes for lab courses & work integrated learning placements
- Lab kits
- Gloves
Work Integrated Learning
You will be required to travel to various locations to complete your work integrated learning placements. It is each learner’s responsibility to arrange travel to their clinical and/or practicum sites; placements may be outside the City of Calgary as well as in any area of Calgary. Every effort is made to schedule learners for Work Integrated Learning placements within the time frame of the program. In rare instances there may be a delay in program completion until a Work Integrated Learning placement can be arranged.
Work Integrated Learning placements may include day shifts, evening shifts, night shifts, and/or weekend shifts. Shifts are determined by the placement sites and not the College.
A current Police Information Check (PIC) with a Vulnerable Sector Search (VSS) must be submitted prior to your first work integrated learning placement. Please watch for information regarding submission deadlines for your PIC. Your PIC will be valid for the duration of your program, unless there are changes to your PIC, in which case a new PIC will be required. PICs must be dated no earlier than ninety (90) days prior to the start of your program.
To facilitate your Work Integrated Learning placements with our external partners, Rubella vaccination in mandatory and many sites require proof of full COVID-19 vaccination. Failure to provide evidence of vaccinations will delay program completion. All other immunizations are highly recommended. Up-to-date immunizations are valid for the duration of the program.
It is recommended for learners to have current CPR certification and it must be renewed annually. Bow Valley College offers FACP9101: Basic Life Support CPR (Healthcare Provider Level) through Extended Education.
There will be an opportunity to get your required N95 mask fitting at the downtown campus before beginning your first placement. You will be able to register for this course (SAFT9406: N95 Mask Fitting) through MyBVC (or your Regional Administrator) once your program begins.
International applicants will need to obtain a co-op permit prior to any Work Integrated Learning experience. Please contact International Education for more information.
If learners do not meet the requirements for Work Integrated Learning before their first day of placement, they will not be permitted to participate in Work Integrated Learning experiences for that term.
Graduation Requirements
- In order to obtain your Government of Alberta Health Care Aide Provincial Curriculum 2019 Certificate, you will need to successfully complete the program, enroll in the Alberta Health Care Aide Directory, and pass the Alberta Health Care Aide Provincial Examination.
Related Links
Course Listings Request More Information Applying FAQ
Domestic Applicants
Welcome Centre
South Campus – Main Floor
International Learner Applicants
International Education
South Campus – Main Floor
Admission Requirements
Academic Requirements
- 60% in English Language Arts 20-2 or equivalent, or
- Satisfactory results on the Bow Valley College Admissions Test
English Proficiency Requirements
- See English Language Proficiency Requirements for details.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition
If applying for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR), you need to provide proof of the following:
- Previous employment, including a job description, totaling a minimum of 600 hours within the past three years as an HCA or a personal care provider.
- English Language Proficiency requirement (see HCA program admission requirements)
- Once you have applied to the HCA program and the application has been reviewed, you will receive notification of your acceptance via email. Directions for your next steps will be included in these emails.
Related Links
Course Listings Request More Information
Domestic Applicants
Welcome Cen
South Campus – Main Floor
International Learner Applicants
International Education
South Campus – Main Floor
Employment Rate
Training Related Employment Rate
Based on Bow Valley College's Graduate Outcome Survey 2024.
Term 1
Required CoursesCredit
During this course, you will focus on the role and responsibilities of a health care aide working in a variety of employment settings. The focus of this course is to share information that will result in safe, ethical, and respectful care based on the needs of the client. Care that meets these standards is known as person-centred care.
Bow Valley College is licensed to deliver this course as part of the Government of Alberta Health Care Aide Provincial Curriculum 2019.
This course focuses on the study of the systems that make up the human body and discusses the milestones of growth and development across the lifespan. It is an introduction to foundational knowledge of the most common of the chronic illnesses that a health care aide may encounter. The learner will describe ways to provide safe care based on evidence-informed practices according to the clients' diagnoses, needs, and care plans. The information learned in this course will provide you with care strategies to support the client, the client's family, and yourself through the process of a client's dying and death.
Bow Valley College is licensed to deliver this course as part of the Government of Alberta Health Care Aide Provincial Curriculum 2019.
This course will focus on the role and responsibilities of the health care aide when communicating effectively as a member of the collaborative care team. Strong communication skills are an important part of being a successful health care aide. The health-care environment requires competent verbal, written, and electronic communication skills, which are part of digital literacy.
Bow Valley College is licensed to deliver this course as part of the Government of Alberta Health Care Aide Provincial Curriculum 2019.
During this course, you will learn the basic care skills that will allow you to give safe and efficient care to your clients. Providing personal grooming and hygiene care to your clients is an intimate and highly personal experience. During the theory and lab elements of this course, you will learn to approach this care in a professional and compassionate manner.
Bow Valley College is licensed to deliver this course as part of the Government of Alberta Health Care Aide Provincial Curriculum 2019.
During this clinical placement you will experience the role of the health care aide by working under the direction of a regulated health-care professional. You will have the opportunity to work in a continuing care setting such as home care, supportive living (designated supportive living or DSL), senior lodges, long term care, and group homes.
Pre-requisites: HCAD1401, HCAD1402, HCAD1403, and HCAD1404
Bow Valley College is licensed to deliver this course as part of the Government of Alberta Health Care Aide Provincial Curriculum 2019.
Term 2
Required CoursesCredit
This course builds on the foundational skills and concepts introduced in previous courses and also introduces new skills such as medication assistance. Learners will have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge to learn advanced skills such as active and passive range-of-motion exercises, ostomy care, respiratory care, catheter care, and tube feeds. In addition, accurate measurement of vital signs is demonstrated, practiced, and assessed.
Pre-requisites: HCAD1401, HCAD1402, HCAD1403, and HCAD1404
Bow Valley College is licensed to deliver this course as part of the Government of Alberta Health Care Aide Provincial Curriculum 2019.
This course discusses care strategies for assisting diverse client groups such as clients with a mental health diagnosis and clients with developmental delays and physical disabilities.
Graduates who become employed in home care situations may have the opportunity to work with families to provide care for infants and children, as well as caring for clients living with life-limiting illness, and who could benefit from hospice, palliative, and end-of-life care. Information and skills to assist with these care assignments are provided in this course.
Pre-requisite: HCAD1405
Bow Valley College is licensed to deliver this course as part of the Government of Alberta Health Care Aide Provincial Curriculum 2019.
During the second clinical placement, you will experience the role of the health care aide by working under the direction of a regulated health-care professional. You will have the opportunity to work in a variety of health-care settings such as continuing care or acute care. You will integrate and implement the knowledge you have learned in all your courses 1-7 in the clinical setting. You will provide person-centred care and support for clients and their families; that care is safe, ethical, and respectful.
Pre-requisites: HCAD1406 and HCAD1407
Bow Valley College is licensed to deliver this course as part of the Government of Alberta Health Care Aide Provincial Curriculum 2019.
This is the final clinical placement course where you will practise the role of the health care aide by working under the direction of a regulated health-care professional and buddied with an unregulated health-care professional. You will work in a variety of health-care settings such as continuing care or acute care. You will integrate and implement the knowledge you have learned throughout the health care aide program, which will guide you in providing person-centred care and support for clients and their families; that care is safe, ethical, and respectful.
Pre-requisite: HCAD1408
Bow Valley College is licensed to deliver this course as part of the Government of Alberta Health Care Aide Provincial Curriculum 2019.
Program FAQs
Classes are generally scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Learners can expect to spend an additional two hours per day working on homework. Attendance at the Calgary campus is crucial, since the program emphasizes hands-on skills training in the lab. We do not recommend working full-time while you are completing this program.
Learners who fail a course must retake that course. Courses require a grade of 70% to pass, and clinical courses are graded a pass or fail. Different courses have a variety of assessments. There are no rewrites on exams.
Bow Valley College must maintain a certain instructor-to-learner ratio for the placements and preceptorships (for example, one instructor per eight learners). The college arranges these placements, and learners may be required to travel to various locations in Southern Alberta. Placements are set up based on availability and learners must be flexible regarding the location and scheduling of the clinical placement. Learners are expected to treat the clinical experience like employment in the health care workforce.
Graduates of a provincially-recognized health care aide program may qualify for advanced credit in the Practical Nurse Diploma program. To be considered for prior learning assessment and recognition, learners must have completed the Health Care Aide Certificate program and must have completed 1,000 hours of work experience as a recognized health care aide. Graduates of the Health Care Aide Certificate program may be eligible to receive credit for two nursing courses. For more information, visit the transfer credit page.
The Bow Valley College Health Care Aide program follows the Alberta Health curriculum. Bow Valley College has an excellent reputation with the provincial government and our graduates are preferred when applying for health care aide jobs in the Calgary area because they are work-ready, and have met our high standards.
Health care aides are currently in high demand. For the employment outlook for this profession, visit the Alberta government’s Alberta Occupational Profile (OCCinfo) page.