These official policies and procedures have been approved by the Board of Governors. The college reviews and updates policies and procedures each academic year.
Bow Valley College is committed to providing our visitors with a website that respects their privacy.
This site contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the content and the privacy practices of other sites and encourage you to read the privacy policy of each site that you visit before proceeding further.
We use cookies and location services to improve your experience on our site and to send you personalised advertising.
Some websites store information in a small text file called a "cookie" on your hard disk. Cookies contain information about you and your preferences (e.g., a record of which pages within the site you visited) to help the site customize the view for your next visit. Only the information that you provide, or the choices you make while visiting a website, can be stored in a cookie. For example, the site cannot determine your e-mail or name unless you choose to provide it.
Allowing a website to create a cookie does not give that or any other site access to the rest of your computer and only the site that created the cookie can read it.
Cookies can be enabled/disabled by selecting Tools -> Internet Options. Select the Security tab and then select Custom Level. The cookie settings will be displayed in the Security Settings dialog box.
We do not automatically gather any personal information from you, such as your name, phone number, e-mail, or address. If you send us e-mail or use our feedback form to contact us, you will be providing us with some personal information including your name, e-mail and perhaps information about your personal circumstances. This information is used only to process and respond to your question or comment, and is collected in compliance with the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the FOIP Act). This information is not disclosed except to authorized personnel who need it to answer your question.
Bow Valley College is subject to the Alberta government's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
As a publicly funded institution, Bow Valley College is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act, Alberta. The FOIP Act allows any person the right to access records in the custody or under the control of Bow Valley College, subject to limited and specific exceptions. It also governs how Bow Valley College collects, uses, and discloses personal information.
Request to Access Information
Follow these steps to request access to a record or personal information under the custody or control of Bow Valley College:
Mailing Address and Contact Information
Access and Privacy Officer
345 – 6th Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2G 4V1
Telephone: (403) 476 - 2201
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) identifies the requirements that must be met in order to keep cyber defenses primed against attacks aiming to steal credit card data.
The PCI Data Security Council, founded in 2006 by Visa Inc., MasterCard, and other major credit card companies, communicates the data security standard requirements that must be met.
Compliance is acknowledged when the institution accepting credit card payments has met all of the applicable PCI DSS requirements.
The college adheres to the requirements as outlined by the PCI Security Council. For further information see
Bow Valley College is a public educational institution whose core activities involve the provision of education services. Like many other education providers, we do not consider our core activities (and those activities necessarily related to our core activities) to be commercial in nature. Accordingly, electronic messages related to our core activities are not commercial, therefore, not regulated by CASL.
CASL will nonetheless impact some of Bow Valley College's electronic communications if they are not part of our core activities, and are commercial in nature.
Below is a summary of how we will handle electronic communications with learners and others with whom we communicate, including how to unsubscribe from commercial electronic messages (CEMs).
If you have applied for a credit, non-credit program, or course at Bow Valley College, we will communicate with you as necessary to further our consideration of your application (including admission and registration). Such communications pertain to our core activities and so are not regulated by CASL.
If you want to withdraw your application, you can email the Registrar's Office at
Bow Valley College requires the ability to electronically communicate with our current students. You will receive electronic communications regarding our core activities through your MyBVC email address and/or your personal email address where provided. These communications may include academic courses/programs information, administrative information, information about student services, benefits and events (including orientation), Student eNews (e-newsletters), and administrative information.
Current students can update their contact information, including personal email addresses, by logging into their MyBVC account.
Under CASL, we also have implied consent to send our students CEMs (for example, about non-core activities).
Bow Valley College sends e-newsletters to a variety of individuals and groups for various purposes, most of which are related to our core activities. Others may be commercial in nature.
Current students cannot unsubscribe from college e-newsletters related to core activities (for example, Student eNews). Anyone may unsubscribe from commercial e-newsletters at any time.
If you attended a Bow Valley College credit, non-credit program, or course, whether or not you completed or graduated, you are a lifetime member of Bow Valley College Alumni (conditional on being in good standing with the college).
As a member of our alumni, you will receive electronic communications from Bow Valley College, including the Alumni e-newsletter. You may unsubscribe anytime from receiving CEMs as well as the Bow Valley College Alumni e-newsletter (even if it does not contain CEMs) by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of an e-newsletter, by replying to the sender directly, or by contacting
If you have not yet applied to Bow Valley College but you have requested information about a program or course, we can respond to your inquiry and provide you with relevant information.
Electronic communications sent out by a registered charity for the primary purposes of raising funds are exempt from CASL legislation. Bow Valley College is a registered charity.
If you are a stakeholder, partner, or part of our business community, we would like to keep in touch with you and continue to send you electronic information about such things as campus events, activities, job fairs, and open houses.
You can either click unsubscribe in the electronic communication sent to you or, if there is no unsubscribe option, you can email the sender directly that you do not want to receive further CEMs.
If you are receiving multiple college CEMs, you will need to unsubscribe to each one separately (or email each sender separately).
Do you feel that you received an email or other electronic communication from Bow Valley College in error? If so, please reply directly to the sender to notify them of the error.