Room S4031, 4th Floor, South Campus

Friday Nov 16, 2018 Friday Nov 16, 2018

8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Whip Your Career into Shape: Job Search Boot Camp

Learn the steps to land your next job!

Join us as we take you through the process involved in a typical work search

  • Set realistic and achievable goals
  • Create effective job search tools
  • Learn how to network (in person and online)
  • Skills for success

Have questions about Job Search Boot Camp? Contact Career Services at, 403-410-1440 or visit Learner Success Services on the 1st floor of South Campus.

*All workshops are eligible for the LEAD Certificate Requirements

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  • If you are currently studying in a post-secondary program at BVC, please register for your courses via mybvc to ensure your enrolments and fees are processed appropriately.
  • Cart total based on domestic tuition rates. For information about International Tuition rates please see Additional Fees Apply
  • If you anticipate applying for a student loan, your payment will be refunded to you based on your loan award once your funding has been received by BVC.

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