Audrey Breaker

Audrey currently makes her home in Siksika, with her husband Bob Breaker.

Clarence Wolfleg Senior

Clarence’s Siksika name is “Miiksikaam,” translated as “Red Crane,” which is also his fourth great-grandfather’s name, who watched the east boundaries for many years back in the 1600s.


Dila Provost Houle

Dila shares cultural and spiritual ways of knowing with students and staff at Bow Valley College.

Doris Calliou

Our Elder, Doris Calliou, is from the Alexander Cree Nation, with family ties to both Metis and Cree communities in Central Alberta.

Edme Comstock

Edmee Comstock

Edmee is the youngest of 17 children from one of the most important historical families of the Red River Settlement.

Florence Kelly

Elder Florence Kelly

Florence Kelly is from the Ojibwas of Onigaming reserve within the Lake of the Woods region of Northwestern Ontario.

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