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A blend of education and real-world experience helped one alumnus find a dream career

January 22, 2024

Having always enjoyed elements of the design process, Jose was inspired to pursue a digital design career after spending a year learning new skills in drawing and design during the COVID-19 pandemic shortly after he graduated high school. After researching other institutions, he chose Bow Valley College due to its excellent reputation with international students.

Jose credits his decision with helping him learn the necessary English terminology and opening the door for him to eventually transition into the role of marketing manager for the same company that initially hired him. Now, he finds the process of creating content that influences a customer’s decision is one of the things he loves most about his chosen field, and he appreciates that he had the opportunity to establish a relationship with a real client as part of his program.

“Bow Valley College definitely helped me establish my learning path and definitely helped me grow into the role I’m in now,” he says. “My instructors helped me develop a plan and content strategy. After that I was able to go to the company and send them the project, and they were really impressed.”

Jose says being a student at Bow Valley College helped his resume stand out and his time as a student helped him grow into his current role.

“When I finished my Bow Valley college diploma, my mind was opened to so many great opportunities,” says Jose. “I also keep in touch with all of my classmates, and we'll still talk about important things in the industry. They’re a really good source of creativity.”

December 21, 2023

January 22, 2024