Apr 14, 2016
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Budget 2016 Maintains Funding Levels and Tuition Freeze
CALGARY - The Alberta government's Budget 2016 maintains their commitments to provide stable funding to post-secondary institutions, while also ensuring learners benefit from another year of tuition freeze.
"We appreciate that with this year's budget, the Government was able to follow through on their commitment of maintaining learner's tuition levels, while at the same time keeping their commitment to quality learning for the 15 thousand learners we have been serving this past year.
"In the past few years, Bow Valley College, our learners, and the community have all benefited from our new campuses in Calgary. However, many Alberta institutions still need infrastructure money in order to maintain facilities and grow. We thank the Government of Alberta for realizing this is a priority, and we anticipate they will be partnering with the Government of Canada on investing in post-secondary infrastructure," said Sharon Carry, Bow Valley College President and CEO.
Budget 2016 also focused on the revision of services, and Carry noted: "We applaud the plan to streamline access to training services by aligning the work of Advanced Education, Human Services, and Labour. We look forward to being a part of this program, which allows us to nimbly respond to changes demanded by the labour market."
Finally with regards to the Training for Work program "We commend the government for acknowledging the value Albertans receive when we get more women, indigenous peoples, and newcomers into the workforce. We will continue to deliver on the core mandates of the Training for Work program, and on our mandated role of getting all Albertans back into a more diversified labour market," said Carry.
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Bow Valley College - Calgary and region's only Comprehensive Community College - with more than 15,000 full- and part-time students, is a leader in business and health career training, community studies, adult upgrading, and English Language Learning. BVC's Test of Workplace Essential Skills (TOWES), workplace training for immigrant professionals and employment services provide a wide range of services for businesses and professionals.