Jun 16, 2015
Media Contact
Police Recruits Receive Diversity Training at Bow Valley College
CALGARY - Calgary Police Service (CPS) recruits will attend Bow Valley College (BVC) on Wednesday, June 17, 2015 for a Diversity Education session with students in BVC's English Language Learning program.
The CPS is a leader in fostering awareness and understanding. They strive to improve awareness and understanding by building bridges of respect with Calgary's communities. One way this is done is through an education session that teaches CPS recruits how to conduct interviews with immigrant witnesses who have a beginner's level of English comprehension.
Once a school term, BVC and CPS conduct this Diversity Education training exercise. During the session, the students will watch a video depicting a crime, and then break off into groups to be interviewed by the police recruits. CPS leaders and BVC instructors observe the interviews and provide feedback during the debrief sessions, such as reminding recruits about the importance of speaking basic English when communicating with these witnesses.
This Diversity Education session is a great exercise for both the CPS recruits and BVC learners. The recruits learn how to communicate with and obtain witness statements from people whose primary language is not English. And for BVC's learners, many of whom come from countries where the police are a presence to be feared, this exercise helps to teach them that they do not need to be afraid of the police in Canada.
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